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Founded in the early 21st century to meet evolving client demand regarding packing and packaging, the Bercy Foods inc. subsidiary has undergone a rapid expansion, as can be seen from its many thousand square feet of warehousing space. 

Since its inception, Bercy Foods has innovated and shown creativity by implementing a ready-to-eat foods division where fruits and vegetables are custom-packed according to the varieties and quantities its clients, mainly fruit stores and large retail food chains, are looking for. 

Highly sensitized to current social and environmental issues and challenges, and in an effort to make the most of its business relations with first-rate producers all over the Americas, our firm has also innovated in importing and distributing organic fruits and vegetables. 

In addition, aware of the full impact of consumption, and out of respect for the environment, Bercy Foods has followed the example of the Group’s other corporations and massively invested in perfecting its processes, both in the methods and the machinery, in order to exceed quality standards and solidly entrench its social commitment for a greener world.

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